February 25, 2008

Sending Team NL Off In Style

Premiere Williams, Minister Denine and
SONL Chair Ken Marshall chear on Team NL

Team NL was buzzing with anticipation as they lined up outside the entrance to Club One. They were being accompanied by members of the Law Enforcement Torch Run in dress gear who would lead them into the send off. As they were getting ready to enter they had additional surprise visitors who came to show support for their constituents and see the team off in style. Premier Danny Williams, Minister of Government Services, Kevin O’Brien, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Dave Denine and MHA Steve Kent. This put the athletes over the top and with the addition of the growing commotion in the next room, they were ready to go!

The team was lead in by Team Manager, Mary Holloway, Premier William, SONL Chair, Ken Marshall, and LETR Director, Jeff Fiefeld. They were followed by the Team NL colour guard made up of floor hockey player William Winters, figure skater Mark Ellsworth, snowshoer Justin Lahey and cross country skier Patricia Wiseman. They carried the provincial flag with pride and displayed it for the remainder of the send off.

The reaming sports filed in behind and were met with deafening applause and support from the 150 plus family and supporters on hand. The energy in the room was electric and it continued to build throughout the night.

Emcee for the evening Andy Newman from Coast 101.1 and Progress Club members did an outstanding job of leading the send off and his genuine enthusiasm and excitement for the athletes shone through in his every word.

First up to speak was Team Manager, Mary Holloway who thanked everyone in attendance and outlined the road Team NL took to get to this point. It was a speech from the heart as Mary has poured in countless hours to ensure the team could make this journey.

Following Mary’s speech Andy introduced the athlete draft. He explained how the Provincial Team Training Program was a significant investment made by the Special Olympics Newfoundland and Labrador. It raised the level of financial support provided to Provincial Team athletes, and provided them with the opportunity to take part in training camps, as well as receive support for their day to day training.

To help support the added expense, the SONL board developed the draft an athlete program that looked for help from individual and corporate donors. The draft was designed to provide donors with a connection with the specific team athletes that they drafted. Those companies will be receiving correspondence and daily updates on their athlete’s performance throughout the games.

The draft lasted eleven rounds and saw all twenty four athletes get drafted. Each drafting organization was brought to the stage and recognized as they had an opportunity to introduce their drafted athlete to the crowd. It was a great draft that was executed perfectly by Andy.

The team was honoured to have the Premier present and when he spoke you could tell that he felt the same way. He conveyed great pride and confidence in the team that would be representing his province. His passion was infectious and he left the team feeling like true ambassadors of Newfoundland and Labrador.

SONL Chair, Ken Marshall followed up the Premier and built upon the energy that was in the room and spoke of the accomplishment and the growth that Special Olympics has experienced since the last National Winter Games. He explained to the crowd how Team NL in 2004 had a total of four athletes while in 2008 there are an incredible 24 athletes representing the province.
Two athlete representatives closed out the night with heartfelt words and thank yous for everyone in the crowd and their fellow athletes. Snowshoer Silas Smith gave an enthusiastic speech that was concluded with a booming “Go Team Newfoundland and Labrador!”.

Janet Maher followed up Silas’s speech with the Special Olympics athletes’ oath. Before she took the stage Mary Holloway took some time to explain the amazing journey that Janet has taken since qualifying for the Provincial team last February. Janet was diagnosed with breast cancer last spring and she fought through the treatments and never once considered the possibility of her not being with her floor hockey team in Quebec City. She personifies the athlete oath and led the team strongly in words that are spoken and lived by all the athletes involved in Special Olympics “Let Me Win. But If I Cannot Win. Let Me Be Brave In The Attempt.”

Before the lights went down for the night. Bob Moakler from the Progress Club came forward to make a surprise donation of $10,000 Special Olympics Newfoundland and Labrador. Showing once again how the Progress Club goes above and beyond to support the athletes of Newfoundland and Labrador.

With the final presentations being made Team NL worked its way through the crowd for a final photo op with the Premier and to get ready for the 9:00pm lights out that was fast approaching.

A great pic from the send off published in The Telegram: http://www.thetelegram.com/index.cfm?sid=111249&sc=78