February 27, 2008

Opening Ceremonies

February 26 was Team NL’s first full day in Quebec City and they made sure to take advantage of every minute. The day started out early with breakfast at the hotel but shortly after that each sport departed for their venues to get in a day of practice. It was a very productive day for the team with each of the athletes taking the opportunity to work the rust off that was built up over two days of travel.

The athletes were all very excited after getting the chance to see their sporting venues and meet athletes from across the country that they would be competing against in the coming week.

After a great day of practice the team was ready to help their over 850 counterparts officially open the National Games. The Opening Ceremonies took place on the historic Plains of Abraham and used a great mix of music and speeches to get the teams into celebrating mode.

The highlights of the night was the unveiling of the games song “Courage”, the fireworks and as always the arrival of the Law Enforcement Torch Run Final Leg carrying the games flame.

Although the wind howled and the snow flew but there was no containing the team’s enthusiasm. Team NL had an outstanding time and all team members gave huge thumbs up to the ceremony.

This was a night that team members will remember forever.